Establishment Project

Le Sud school project is based on three pillars: helping people to build themselves up, opening up to the world and opening up to others.


Axis 1: Helping to build oneself

Objective 1: To welcome student diversity
– Action 1: To be more attentive to educational needs at the time of enrolment, by inviting parents to express their motivation.
– Action 2: In 1st year and Common Core, to pay greater attention to welcoming new students by offering specific support during meetings with teachers.
– Action 3: To ensure better follow-up of integration days and their extension.

Objective 2: To unite adults around the school project
– Action 1: To recognize and promote the dignity of the teaching profession, its skills and its commitment to education.
– Action 2: To invite teachers to act as educational partners with parents, by working together on cultural, educational or sports projects.
– Action 3: To set up times and places to better communicate and share information about the profession.

Objective 3: Continuous support
– Action 1: To improve training in different career paths by making guidance training a priority in the teacher training plan.
– Action 2: To support students with different profiles, use differentiated teaching methods and train in mental management.
– Action 3: To make mistakes a lever for progress and encourage efforts to memorize.

Axis 2: Opening up to the world

Objective 1: To aim for humanization through culture and mastery of knowledge.
– Action 1: To enable and support the development of interdisciplinary projects: art history, sustainable environment, etc.
– Action 2: To develop a critical mindset in all information research, by being demanding in the choice of sources.
– Action 3: To broaden modes of knowledge by encouraging creative approaches and reflecting on the meaning of learning.
(exploration courses, documentation….)

Objective 2: To be a player of your era
– Action 1: At high school, helping students develop their personal projects through personalized support and exploration courses.
– Action 2: Enabling students to take on responsibilities and be accountable to adults.
– Action 3: Giving students the opportunity to reflect on their involvement in their environment: digital, science, history, sustainable development, etc.

Objective 3: To be open to the international dimension
– Action 1: To continue to promote language stays and partnerships
– Action 2: To develop certifications and the use of TUIC with foreign countries

Axis 3: To Open up to others

Objective 1: To teach students to live together
– Action 1: To hold a school council meeting on the theme of “living together”.
– Action 2: To get involved in our school community by taking on a specific service.

Objective 2: To enrich our links.
– Action 1: To enable each class to experience a collective, unifying time that is meaningful for students.
– Action 2: To encourage mutual support between students in the same class and between generations of students.
– Action 3: To organize the induction of new teachers by their predecessors